Thursday, January 28, 2010

So, let's have it!

Bad luck gets worse as you get older.

Ok. Now I’ll qualify this statement.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but for a majority of people (in America), childhood was a relatively care-free time in our lives – compared to adulthood. It seems that the older I get (not that I’m very old) the worse my luck gets. Now, I know that’s on account of having more responsibilities, over dramatizing, cultural influences, and my own personal thinking, buuuut being an adult blows. Instead of losing a toy, I lose my wallet; instead of breaking a plate, I total a car; and instead of falling and scraping my knee, I get shot (this one hasn’t happened… yet). Being an adult puts your life in even more present danger than it already was. You’re exposed to elements that, as a child, you have no knowledge of and (hopefully) no contact with.

When you’re a child, one bad thing doesn’t turn into a bad day, two doesn’t even merit an hour of thought in your mind, but when you’re an adult a lot of the time, one bad thing will spark a domino effect of bad events, or seemingly bad events, that turn your entire day to shit.

Now the more that I think about it, the more I seem to realize that a lot of this has to do with our culture, our attitudes, and the way we handle things. Because not everybody lets their day be ruined by a broken plate or a stolen wallet, some people brush it off and make their day better. Man, I wish I were one of those people. I’m able to let a lot of things go, but when one thing after another keeps happening sometimes I have to be in a bad mood. I like being cheered up by co-workers or I like to decompress at the end of the day. Maybe I like to do something out of the ordinary or ‘bad’ in order to make myself feel better.

The thing is that I don’t really like being in a bad mood – its just my way of throwing my hands up at the world, waving the white flag, and saying, “I give up, you win today”.

Just the other day, I had my wallet stolen and I was in an openly hostile mood with all of the people that I worked with. I could tell that I was affecting everyone, I could tell that I shouldn’t be reacting like this, and I knew that I shouldn’t be taking it out on everyone, but I couldn’t help myself – it was just easier. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, but I didn’t want to be in a bad mood either. Thankfully, one of the guys I work with started cracking some jokes which cheered me up a bit. I underestimate the people in my life, best friends, acquaintances, and co-workers alike.

Anyway, got off topic a while ago and turned it into an appreciative rant :) haha go figure. But what are your thoughts? Do you have a remedy to get rid of bad days? Do you have someone in particular that can ALWAYS cheer you up? Or do you not agree with me at all? Lets have it.


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