Thursday, January 14, 2010

How to know when you shouldn't buy it.

There it is.  That item you have been wanting for ages is finally on sale.  Your credit card bills are almost paid off.  Your bank account isn’t in the negatives.   Can this be the moment you finally get that item?

It’s a loaded question.  I’m not one to answer it, nor do I have the knowledge on how to answer it.  I have however, asked myself this many times.  Including today.  Thanks to a DSW sale of 50% off (, promo code 50clear) I almost had that moment with a $139.00 pair of riding boots I had been eying.  They are really nice boots that I have been wanting/eying for ages and here they are, a whopping 50% off.  That’s huge.  But then circumstances popped up for me, as well as my friend who wanted a similar pair, and we both realized that there are certain signs in life that tell you when you just shouldn’t buy someting.  I’ve decided that when living in the city or living on a budget or both, it is good to follow this list.  And so, I present to you, in no particular order….

My TOP 5 Signs that you Should NOT Buy that Item:

  1. If you need to check your bank accounts to see where you have money for the item.  Bottom line, if you don’t know for sure that you have the money for the item off the top of your head, don’t buy it.
  2. If you are fighting to get the website to let you use your promo codes.  I love a good promo code, I love a good coupon- who doesn’t.  Bottom line, if you cannot afford the item without the discount then it’s likely that you can live without it.  The items we NEED we will buy with or without a coupon code.  Don’t fight with the website, let it go.
  3. If you have to add more to your cart to get the free shipping option.  Let me get this straight- you can’t afford to pay shipping but you can afford another item.  No.  This method is a trick to get you to buy more, and like #2, if you really NEEDED that item, shipping wouldn’t even come into question.
  4. If you know that the minute you order the item you will have buyers remorse.  It’s okay, we all flip flop.  But if you know that once you get your heavenly item, you will actually feel bad about it, don’t get it.  It should make you happy, not make you feel guilty.
  5. Is this what you really WANT?  You’re concerned about money.  Why?  Think about it.  What is it you want out of your money?  A house?  A vacation?  A new car?  To get out of debt?  Now think about what you want at that moment.  Shoes?  Make-up?  Cheesecake Factory? Mario Kart for the WII?  A John Cena personalized CENATION Jersey (sorry I can’t help myself)?  Which set of items do you want more?  I want the house, the vacation and the car.  Do you want what is going to satisfy you or do you want what is going to fufill you?  Think about it, there is a difference.

And so with that being said, my friend and I both closed our DSW browsers and didn’t buy our shoes.  I think we ultimately made the right decision.  I have plenty of shoes in my closet that can get me by without needing riding boots.  And who knows… maybe one day I’ll have an even bigger closet and then I’ll need a new pair of shoes to fill it up.  That’s what I’m working towards.


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