Tuesday, January 19, 2010

4 x 4 brain cells

It’s a well-known fact that BMW drivers do not know how to turn on their indicators when making simple manoeuvres, navigating roundabouts, changing lanes on the motorway etc,  however I have now discovered a new trend among drivers of 4×4s that renders them incapable of parking.

To us mere mortals who spend our days going from place to place in simple, small, convenient cars, there are at certain times the need these auto mobiles into pre-defined, shaped boxes, marked on to a car park in white. For most of us this procedure is clear and executed perfectly each time it is called for. For drivers of 4×4, mostly land rovers (or range rovers, not really sure which and don’t really care they’re technically the same) , the art of parking seems to either have been exchanged with the car salesman as part of the deal they signed with the devil when purchasing their behemoth or they just didn’t possess it in the first place or because they are now so high up that their grasp on reality is somewhere many feet below with the everyday, parking-capable people.

On countless occasions I have come across an unnecessarily massive 4×4 jutting out of a parking space and such an avant-garde angle that you wonder whether the driver had suddenly remembered what they were driving and had got out as quickly as possible to go and jump of the top floor of the car park. And on a similar point the damn things don’t fit in normal parking spaces so they sit there sticking their front end 2 foot out into the road.

Now I understand that there are safety reasons for buying a massive car like this, but that’s all very well if you are in one when they are in an accident. If you are unfortunate enough to be the one on the receiving end I imagine that having 2 foot of radiator grill and Audi badge stuffed into you cranium can only end badly.

[Via http://carpetfactory.wordpress.com]

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