Saturday, October 24, 2009

Chinese shopowner shot junkie robber

“The Chinese are constant being molested, the junkie had an axe, so it is good he shot.” “The police should treat the Chinese guy really tough.” Were just two of the contradicting perceptions by bystanders from what had happend on the Karoekondrestraat near Kasabaholo, in Suriname, where yesterday around 15:30 (3:30 p.m.) a shooting incident took place in front of the KSB Supermarket. According to some young locals, a Chinese shopkeeper shot a junkie who is nicknamed Plakoe. They don’t know why the victim was shot. But after the shooting incident the shopkeeper tried to drive away in his car, but he hit a fence and ended up in a ditch.

According to a spokesperson of KPS, Humhrey Naarden, the shopkeeper used a gun which was not registered. And probably that’s the reason why he wanted to drive away. The local police post got a call about a car accident, but once the police arrived, they didn’t just saw a car, but also saw a man who was shot in his leg. He has been hospitalized, but is out of harms way. The shopkeeper threw his gun away, but it was found a little later, and the shopkeeper has been charged with illegal possession of a firearm.

bron: [23-10-2009]

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