Tuesday, February 9, 2010

solo roadtrip

speed week by christopher wilson (www.christopherwilsonphotography.com)

so, over the weekend, i went on a solo roadtrip. and i had a ball! totally. of course i was slightly anxious and minorly scared before taking off. i mean, with all the insecurity stories you hear in kenya… and i kept having visions of getting a flat in some weirdly isolated stretch of road and wondering what to do. ah. but in my new fabulous, more daring life, i have discovered that we trudge on, not because we are not afraid, but despite that fear. (mandela said something brilliant about moving forward despite the fear… anyway).

so, i started out really early. blame it on the anxiety that woke me up at ungodly hours to start. and beloveds, i loved it.

i loved the open road ahead of me. i loved being just me and ka-defender (that’s the given name of my car :- ) and the radio which chose to play some really good music “just for me”. (delusions of grandeur!) and after the radio stations i like lost frequency after i got to the more rural parts, then it was me and estelle, the cool in shine!

i loved the beauty around me. at some point, i switched off the music and had to burst into song! literally! a song of praise at creation and just wonder at the beauty of my beloved country. “peace song”, also called “finlandia”. i must have sang for a whole 20 kilometres! what was i gonna do, seeing all the vast land spread out around me? i loved it.

and on the way back, i played with a stranger! okay. for some reason, i started competing with other cars on the road. oh and by the way, i went the fastest i have ever driven! speed indicator needle tittering on the brink of 140 kilometres per hour. which then scared the daylights out of me and i promptly went back to my cool 100. anyway, back to that competition.

so i noticed a KAY 654 – maybe somewhere about two hours from destination. i pass it easy and take off “like the wind” at 100 kilometres per hour :-) anyway, somewhere about 40 minutes to destination, who flies by me? KAY 654. and that was it for me, people, i had to win that one. and i did, after speeding over some rather bumpy, pot-hole heavy road, screaming half the time coz of fear and joy combined, i won. turning off, KAY 654 hooted. not a sour loser that one. and my win had me smiling almost all the way home although i suffered a serious headache from the stress of it all. but it was fun, playing with strangers.

so, that was my roadtrip. which got me thinking that maybe i should take on nairobi to mombasa on my own. which i then promptly deleted from my mind thinking how boring that would be. a 3 hour drive alone? that i recommend to you all. 8 hours on the other hand is abit much. get some good good company to take that on.

so for today, i highly recommend taking an easy trip by yourself. it is kinda very nice!

xoxo, m

[Via http://sweetfreshlove.wordpress.com]

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