Sunday, February 14, 2010

The selfishness of parking

Firstly, where I park by my home is a bit of a nightmare for parking.  Sometimes I have to park on a road quarter of a mile away, across a dual carriageway, if all of the spaces here are taken.

However, in the past couple of months I have become increasingly annoyed by some of the parked vehicles I have witnessed.

There are two areas, where 5 cars can be parked nose to tail along the side of a narrow road.  That is 5, as long as they are all parked with consideration.  There seems to be somebody about, with a fairly small car, who seems unable to assess how much room needs to be left for other cars.  On a number of occasions there has been enough room for two cars to be parked, if it was not for this one little car parked smack bang in the middle of that space, often at a jaunty angle!

However yesterday I found something that beat even that.  A moped parked 2 foot off and parallel to the pavement, again smack bang in the centre of a huge space!  Not parked perpendicular, taking up onlt a couple of feet, or even tight against the kerb.  Might as well have been abandoned.

I am aware that the situation you find might look strange as other cars parked around may have left and been replaced with cars situated differently, but I really do wonder if some people have no consideration for others.


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