Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Ankle!!

Aahh, I sprained my ankle!

See, it was my brother’s birthday today, (Happy b-day, Andrew!) so he and three of his buddies and I and our parents and my mom’s dad all went to a place called Sky High Sports. Basically it’s a bunch of trampolines connected to each other, with a separate foam pit and dodgeball area. you jump on the trampolines and play for an hour or so.

I took my shoes off and jumped on the trampoline arena for a good three minutes (:D) before I fell and hurt my ankle. I’m not exactly sure what happened, but i think it had something to do with the yellow pads in between the trampolines. I might have tripped over one, or jumped on one accidentally, or something like that.

So I went down, and my ankle hurt really bad, and my dad and this staff person came over to help me up and get off onto a bench. My ankle swelled a lot, and I cried, and I got an ice pack, and I sat out for the rest of the hour.

Yah, it looks like my knee. But that round oval thing on the side of my foot is actually a swollen ankle…and the white thing is my sock…

So I was asking my parents all kinds of questions. “How am I going to sing on Sunday with my choir?” “How am I going to go to school on Monday?” And the most pressing, “How will I get to the car?” Mom answered, “You have a big daddy. He’ll help you.”

And I thought, ‘I’ve got an even bigger Daddy too, and I know he’s gonna help me.’ Why does it take hardship for us to recognize and appreciate things we often take for granted? Thank you, God, that it wasn’t broken or anything worse.

So I got a piggyback ride out of Sky High, and afterwards we went to a restaurant, and my ankle was better but I couldn’t put weight on it, and it  hurt if I turned it too much. Then Dad made a doctor’s appointment, and at 7:30ish we headed over there.

I hobbled out of the car and a security person asked if I wanted a wheelchair, and Dad said yes. He wheeled me into the waiting room and told the lady @ the desk, “We’re here for the 7:30 showing of ‘Fix My Ankle.’ She laughed, and i did too. Dad’s so funny. He always tries to make me smile. :D

After five minutes we were shown into the doctor’s office where a nurse got some basic info from us. Then we waited for a while and I read my book. oh-by the way, this sign was on the garbage–

oops, didn’t mean to make it that big.

so then the doctor came in and looked at my ankle, and she said I needed x-rays. Then Dad and I waited some more, and Jeff the X-ray Guy came in. He wheeled me into the x-ray room and told jokes. I asked if I would feel anything, and he said ‘Only as much pain as you feel when you’re talking on the phone. Or standing by the microwave.’

‘Should I take my glasses off?’ I wondered. ‘No, only if your ankle goes up into your head. Then we’d have to take your braces off, too. That would be kinda painful, cuz all I have are some pliers.’

He took 3 x-rays and Dad wheeled me back. Then the doctor came back in and gave us some papers and looked at the pics with us and said I sprained my ankle. Then the nurse came and gave me crutches and a boot/splint/thing.

Now, i’m in good humor and my ankle only hurts a teeny bit.

Night, everybody! Happy Belated Thanksgiving.

ibby out.



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